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April 15, 2022


Thank you for considering service on The Children’s Center at Gracelyn (TCC) Board of Directors.


The Children's Center is a NC licensed Five Star, non-sectarian, non-profit childcare center located in the educational wing of Grace Covenant Presbyterian Church at 789A Merrimon Avenue in Asheville.  The Board, Executive  Director and teacher teams are dedicated to providing the children of the community (ages 1-5) with high-quality care and early learning programs.


The bylaws of TCC establish the Board of Directors, and the Board is ultimately responsible for the successful operation of the Center. Our Board is small, but very active in the oversight of the Center; each member’s life experiences and contribution are valuable and vital to our continued success. The Board consists of (3) parents, (3) church members and (4) representatives from the community at large. 


The Board currently has an At-Large member vacancy.  We believe our mission is most effectively fulfilled by a commitment to intentionally advancing diversity, equity and inclusion throughout the culture of our organization. We are seeking a Board member who feels strongly about early childhood education and the children we serve, brings a diverse range of life experiences, training and talents, and can make a serious commitment to actively serve on the Board and its committees.


Board members are generally appointed for a (2) year term.  The Board currently meets the 4th Thursday of every month from 4:30-5:30 pm.  Board members also serve on at least (1) committee; the frequency of committee meetings depends on its work plan.  Meetings are still being held via zoom but hopefully will resume in person soon.


If you are interested in joining the CC@G Board, or know of someone who may be interested, please send a completed application to the Children’s Center, 789A Merrimon Ave. Asheville, NC by May 16th. 


Again, thank you for considering a position on our Board and the work we do for the children of this community.  If you would like to learn more about TCC, please contact me at or visit  or our FB page:

 Children’s Center @ Gracelyn.


Thank you for your time,


Stacey Anderson, Board Chair

Cathy Froehlich, Governance Committee Chair

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